I have a LOT of pictures to post....but the play needs a lot just to see it in it's full effect!
So to begin annual Smith Christmas Production
Cast: Joseph (Carson), Mary (Jenni), Angel & Wise Man (Nana), Shepherd & King Herod (Poppi), Narrator, Donkey & Wise Man (Jon)...Jade was napping!
The angel appears to Mary to proclaim the news that she will be with child:
The Angel flying away:
The Angel coming to Joseph in a dream:
The long journey to Bethlehem riding a donkey:
Baby Jesus is born in a manager!
The donkey watching in awe...
The angel coming to the shepherds to tell them of the good news:
Everyone rejoicing of the good news:
The shepherd coming to see the new born King!
The Wise man beginning their long journey to see the new born King:
The Angry King Herod:
The Wise man rejoicing/praising God over the gift in the new born King (at this point I lost it...was laughing so hard I was crying!)
Just had to post a picture of our handsome Joseph:
Opening gifts on Christmas morning:
Our little Christmas reindeer:
The little ones playing:
The big boy Carson:
Dave, Alice, Kiplan, Jovi and Asher:
Poppi and Carson playing with Legos:
Princess Jade playing with some stocking stuffers: