Tuesday, January 16

Best Buds

Since we have been back from NC Carson has had a lot of opportunituies to play with one of his best buds, KJ Hydoski. Here are a few shots from thier time of playing today at our house. Not only has it been a blast for little buddy to have KJ over so much to play with, but it has been so good for me to see his sin come out.
i now know that we really need to start working on sharing!! They had so much fun playing in the kitchen sink. As you can see KJ got a really excited. By the end the two boys were soaked and my kitchen was too (good thing today is cleaning day for me).
It was adorable to watch the boys play together...anywhere one went, the other was quick to follow. KJ decided to take a juice break and lie down on the floor. Seconds later, there was Carson, juice in hand, lying down right next to him.


Joe Lee said...

how cute! They both sure are lookers! I love it!

Alissa said...

aww!! that was right after i left that day!! they were so funny together. :) love you friend!